This Game is just too cool! It´s a education tool for revolutionaries worldwide! I love stuff like this!
"A Force More Powerful is the first and only game to teach the waging of conflict using nonviolent methods. Destined for use by activists and leaders of nonviolent resistance and opposition movements, the game will also educate the media and general public on the potential of nonviolent action and serve as a simulation tool for academic studies of nonviolent resistance."
I´m really not an activist BUT I always felt a deep respect for people who stand up and change things that aren´t good in the world rather then just complain about them! By the way that´s the reason why I started Supercool School! I really dislike ( I didn´t want to say HATE ;-)) our old education system!
Since I see Supercool School as a "nonviolent revolution" against our old education system ( I can´t think of a violent one...what? Slap the teachers and councils with books till their heads get open to new ideas or what???) I found this game to be of high interest for me. Maybe there are some "non-business" strategies that could inspire me for our little revolution ;-)
I hadn´t the time to play yet :-(
I just got my hands on the Game and the Book about Nonviolent Conflicts.
The first 30 pages are very interesting and fun to read...
I´ll keep you up to date :-)
But I´m looking forward to play´n´learn :-)
So I want to end with this final thought:
"Always search for new ways and perspectives to old problems!"
We´ll see what I´ll learn from studying this stuff.
Viva La Revolution!
Steli Efti, Education Revolutionary
P.S. Go to the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict for more info.