There´s a funny phenomenon in mankind - our predictions about the future almost always fail!
Old Movies are the best proof for this theory. You can see all the fears, predictions and fantasies people had in the past about the future by watching old sci-fie movies.
Go to your local video store and get some 80´s science fiction movies. It´s terrific! You will see movies about robots & huge computers taking over the world, people flying in little space-cars and aliens living on earth acting like humans...hahaha....and all that in the year´s great! that we pasted the millennium we know of course that non of this is really true. But there is a exciting new world - we have nano technology ( poor film studios - they could have saved alot of money building nano robots instead of these giant monster robots for their movies ), the INTERNET, biotechnology and a freakin exciting new information century!!!
Of course non of this was known in 1980 and that´s the problem. We always predict our future in expanding the technology we already have into the future. The problem about this equation is that we DON`T know what mankind will discover in the future! Therefore almost everything we predict fails.
It´s not that our future is not exciting - far from it. It´s that it will be exciting in a way we don´t know yet. That´s all there is to it. And the reason is simply because we always think in old truisms, realities and technologies.
In 1998 my physics teachers said: "Mankind will never reach speed of light! It´s technically impossible!" How can one man be soooo stupid. Especially as a physics teacher you should be careful about the word never. The only thing we don´t know is what mankind can´t do!
Do you believe a revolution in the education system is possible? Do you still take what you already have learned & know about how education works TODAY and just project it into the future?
I don´t know what´ll happen. So do you. The real question is do you think outside the box? Do you compare every new idea you see with the "old" world and reality in order to judge it? If the answer is yes - you have the freedom to change that :-)
You know...every single person who tries to tell me what I can´t do helps me feel good about doing something visionary! Otherwise Supercool School wouldn´t be as exciting as it is to me :-)
So keep dreaming and looking forward to a unknown and happy future!