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February 23, 2007


Steven Aitchison

Hi steli

Love the dream and would love to be able to do something to help. This is actually serendipitous as I have just put together a project for schools and am trying to get funding for it.

Looking forward to reading more of your blog.



Hi there,

This is a great idea. I'm really looking forward to seeing it in action.


Nice idea! I'm so proud that more and more amazing ideas come to the internet. It's web 2.0 time. Communication is the key :) and SuperSchool will use this key as an engine of the school. Yeah! Good luck!


Rob Jacobs

Education with a purpose! I have recently created a site that I hope to launch next fall. I call it Ideagora360. My goal is for anyone concerned with education or working in education to cross barriers of job title, grade level, and school site to work together to innovate, solve problems, and build ideas. I love your idea. Let's make it happen. I am linking to both my sites, Education Innovation and Ideagora360.

Laura Hecht

I finally found a fellow DREAMER. I love your vision and your passion. We are in a day and age where literacy should not be only for the developed countries. I am the Somebody who "wants to go where no one wants to go". Funny that you this this belief statement a Dream. See my dream at http://tinyurl.com/6lnzyh and you'll see what I mean. Count me in!

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