First, to those of you who think that what we do is nonsense:
"For those of you who think this is stupid, let me say this. My friend and her family have lost their son due to this horrific shooting tragedy and we were discussing this campaign via phone this morning. Her family is very touched by this. So when you say this is stupid and serves no purpose, at least one family says you are wrong, people are touched by this. I am grateful to whomever created this and so is my friends family. Any tribute to these people at all is a way of reaching out and saying we care."
That alone was worth it.
But then, I would like to support a blogger that don´t want to be silent on 30th of April. I want to support Plane Jane Mom with her initiative to those who want to post about Virginia Tech on the One Day Blog Silence.
That´s a great idea. The One Day Blog Silence was never against writting on 30th April. You can do whatever you want to - it is a way for those who choose, to stand together still for a moment of respect.
That´s it. So for those of you who want to blog on that day about the tragedy - go to this blog and join the initiative rather then flaming others who don´t.
What happened to respect and tolerance?
Let everyone be the way they choose - not the way you want them to choose.
The last 40 hours were emotionally a wild roller coaster drive for me. It´s weird but when we started the One Day Blog Silence campaign we did that from a impulse to help & do good. And we would have never believed that this would become such a controversy. Never!
We thought that people will either join or ignore it. Boy, that was so wrong. People who disliked the idea spoke up so loud I can´t believe it. From sending me messages to call me a "jerk", "idiot" and other things I won´t go into detail here, to forum posts about speculations that our intention was to make money and sell the website after the 30th April or that behind all this, there is a hidden big media company standing.
That was against us - ok. But when I started to read comments of hate & anger on other peoples blogs who wanted to support us it was one of the most terrible experiences I made as a blogger. I felt so sad and guilty - I didn´t wanted other bloggers to have to deal with hate - I wanted them to become a part of something filled with love.
It reminded me of a horrible event in childhood. Once, a older boy in school wanted to have my launch box. I refused to give it to him and as he started to push me around, an older boy came to help me. Suddenly, my hero was surrounded by 3 other kids who started to beat him hard. It was so horrible. I felt guilty and sad.
I had moments where I felt the same guilt again. I received messages like this:
"Hey Steli. Noticed you visited my site. I just wrote another long reply to someone about your idea and I am completely drained. Been doing it all day. I don't understand the anger some people have for something so simple and unselfish. Sorry but I had to vent for a moment, it's got me in a very bad mood. Cheers"
I thought about stopping the initiative.
The positive response was and continues to be much higher then those who disliked the idea - and the number of people discussing this in a good and respectful manner is too. No matter if they like it or not - most bloggers are tolerant and express their opinion wonderfully.
And I am grateful for that.
Just to name a few: Lorelle, Liz, Mihaela and Andy wrote some of the most touching and beautiful things about this event. I can´t thank you enough for your support.
And to all of the countless people who emailed me to support the idea I say THANK YOU! You are wonderful.
Some made new graphics about the One Day Blog Silence event. How nice from you!
And even MTV supported us with a link? How weird and funny :)
( I thought about 2 minutes if it is ok for me to put a smilie on this post. Isn´t that sick?)
And finally I have to end with a email I received from someone very special that just came in the right moment and made me decide to write this post:
"I wanted to personally thank you. As you have seen on my two blog posts about the day of silence, there have been a lot of people in favor, but a huge vocal group against it. I'm sure you are being assaulted with such posts and comments.
I think what you are doing is huge and rise up above all of the small minds on the web. Thank you so much for your decision to bring this issue to the fore.
What is even more amazing is how much people are missing the point, and I wanted to make sure you knew that someone out in the fuss got it. I did.
By promoting such a day, you have encouraged discussion. Instead of gossiping and rumor mongering over the incident in Virginia and other tragedies in the world, people are talking. They are talking loudly, voicing an opinion against such violence, whether they know it or not.
The silence isn't about shutting up. It is definitely about talking. Talking before, after and around the issue. Exploring individual feelings and beliefs, taking a stand and possibly using their voice and their blogs to express it. That is SO exciting and I honor you for starting the conversation with your moment of silence.
Stand tall against those who do not want to do this because they have the narrow thought about silence equaling denial of speech. They are talking more than they ever would have otherwise. Thank you for that gift."
How great that this campaign for silence has already created so much positive noise.
Much power to you!
Steli Efti
UPDATE: The wonderful Florence Meichel created this blog for all the french bloggers who want to participate at the One Day Blog Silence event. Merci beaucoup!
On April 30th 2007, the Blogosphere will hold a One-Day Blog Silence in honor towards the victims of Virginia. 33 died at the US college massacre.
We did our best. Now we need your help - Find out what to do.
I'm surprised and saddened that you've been getting hate mail. There's room for everyone to commemorate this event in many different ways. Thanks so much for linking over to mine.
Posted by: Erika, Plain Jane Mom | April 18, 2007 at 10:29 PM
Don't feel guilty !...we have all the choice to support onedayblogsilence or not and we are totally responsable for this choice...It's our own decision and we're really engaged in this action because we think it's a good one too !
We want to continue with you ! :-)
Posted by: florence meichel | April 18, 2007 at 11:24 PM
Silence matters. And the people who don't blog will find out how hard it is not to talk for a day. Not a word. Not a comment. Only the sound of out wondering what others are thinking. . . .
Posted by: Liz Strauss | April 19, 2007 at 12:09 AM
thank you for your nice words and thank you for your post. There are so many who only complained. You did something.
your support is such a great help. It gives me power when I most need it and I want to thank you for that.
Much power & love to you!
Posted by: Steli Efti | April 19, 2007 at 12:57 AM
absolutely. It will be a very powerful day for my life. Not to write. not to comment. nothing. Only my thoughts and feelings - thinking about what to do. And than take action.
Lov ya!
Posted by: Steli Efti | April 19, 2007 at 01:04 AM
Nice post, and nice idea. I think it's a good thing, not just the silence, but the thoughts that we will, each of us, fill that silence with. It's not the silence that's important as much as it is our thinking, our remembering, our healing, and our recognizing that this thing that happened was real, was important, and really did happen.
So often we don't take time to stop and let things impact us, we just move on to the next thing on our To Do list and tell ourselves we'll deal with it later, or think about it later. That is dehumanizing to us.
Posted by: Rich G. | April 19, 2007 at 02:21 AM
It pisses me off, and yet I'm not surprised at all at the negative feedback that people have been getting. When we remember that the blogging community is a COMMUNITY, we get both the good and the bad - is everyone in your physical community solid, upstanding, and generous? Likely not. We have some fantastic people, and yes, we have some morons (it's an education blog so I'll keep it tame).
I have yet to post anything regarding Virginia Tech except for the graphic and link to a brilliant idea. Right now, it's all being said - the good, and the bad.
For what it's worth, I stand behind Steli and the intention behind the On Day Blog Silence.
Can we not, for a single god damned day, just shut the hell up? We all have a full 365 days until the 'anniversary' of what happened, can we not just be quiet for one of them or are we in jeopardy of setting a trend for other important dates like, oh I dunno, November 11, or, September 11? Will it kill the community to keep their opinions to themselves for a day, or can we not fit in all that we need to say in 364 days?
Steli, stay strong and remember, the ones who don't get it, it's their issue, not yours. Besides, the ones who know the least, they just say it the loudest.
Posted by: William Tully | April 19, 2007 at 02:45 AM
I hope you didn't take my disagreement with the idea as "hate mail".
I just prefer to speak up, as experience has showed me that silence doesn't do much (and often hurts instead). I've done so on my blog if you'd like to take a look.
Posted by: Tiara | April 19, 2007 at 04:02 AM
Rich G,
thankx for your support and the true words.
I wishya much power!
Posted by: Steli Efti | April 19, 2007 at 04:53 AM
thankx for keeping it tame ;) You are such a great support to me personally and the One Blog Day Silence cause!
It´s good to know you´re with us. Let´s focus on all the great bloggers and community members :) And you are for sure one of them!
of course not. I took a look at your post and liked it very much.
Much power to all supercool people out there!
Posted by: Steli Efti | April 19, 2007 at 04:59 AM
a day of silence is good, as one can consider and think to speak constructivly the next day and help stop similar atrocities occuring again.
Posted by: jamal | April 19, 2007 at 03:51 PM
This sounds like a wonderful idea. I'll be joining in for sure.
Posted by: Andy | April 19, 2007 at 04:13 PM
Jamal and Andy,
thankx for the comments and the support!
Great to have you with us.
Much power!
Posted by: Steli Efti | April 19, 2007 at 04:39 PM
Please go and read this
Posted by: Steli Efti | April 19, 2007 at 04:58 PM
Steli, more strength to your revolutionary heart my friend. It's not unexpected. There is always a backlash to those who shake reality out of complacency, rampant good is threatening to many.
Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
You didn't just shake your head and go deeper into numb apathy from yet another shocking assault. You did something. Good man. Keep it coming.
..and as the Hopi grandmothers say "Don't take it personally"
Posted by: Max Kaizen | May 03, 2007 at 05:48 AM