hosted a meeting tonite for press and heavy users at the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco. I was there and I have to tell you - I´m inspired!
For all of you who don´t know pandora yet:
"Pandora is a music service where you can put in a song, say AC/DC’s
“Hell’s Bells.” Then Pandora will bring you other music that is similar
to that. It basically builds a radio station on the fly with music that
matches your tastes."
The presentation was great! It was funny that they did the whole event in a "mini-me" format of Apple events - and I mean exactly the same structure like Apple and Steve Jobs ( they even used some exact same charts Steve Jobs uses).
But the guyz from Pandora did a great job - especially the speech from Tim Westergren ( the founder) impressed & inspired me. It was the "real-deal" startup story about struggle, failure, debt, problems and persistence...I love such stories!!!
Not that I could relate to going through this kind of times as a startup entrepreneur ;)
Even Mr. Arrington was in the crowd! He published a post about the new features of Pandora even before they presented them to us ;) Go and check out the TechCrunch post to get all the infos.
And another post I want to highlight tonite - Robert wrote a great post about supporting the Pandora guyz and their great vision and service! It includes a video interview with Tom Conrad, CTO of Pandora. Good stuff!!!