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June 12, 2007



yeah, you are your worst critic that and there were so many interruptions...this is a very interesting subject and cons against it; the thing i love is that it really doesn't threaten the establishment. Children will always need a physical presence available. The con is that as a teacher I have worked very hard for my certification and experience and I want that to be validated. He had a point by saying that it will in an open source world just by the seer audience...however audience takes time and a good class is one where a teacher can tailor to individual's needs and that takes time. What subjects do you plan on offering? --clau


"Learning by Embarrassment"

hehe .. Steli, you are walking on my favourite field, I love to harvest there.

I wish to you (and to your team, if any yet :-P ):



Hi there - great interview :) and a great topic - I have always been fascinated by teaching and the more I travel the more I realize how many teaching methods are there. Your story reminds me of myself - 10 years ago I left Hungary for South Africa with a suitcase and a violin - I also started with various projects - all of it - training related - most of it - free training - I used free training opportunities to learn more about the country - I have also experimented with skill-exchanges which worked really well. Best of luck with settling down in the USA, looking forward to the launch of Superschool. ... and thanks for the interview!

Steve S

Fantastic interview mate! I can tell you that plenty of people are a bit camera shy, you did a great job pauses and all.

Steli Efti

Thankx Steve :)
Howz orangeply.com going? Hope everything is going well and wish you guyz much power!

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