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October 13, 2007



Correct !

With one exception - exception wich confirm the rule :

Starting from "the credit belong..' and on `till end of quote, description is basicaly fit for a pioneer, a route opener. Yet there is another form of pioneer to : the one who build criticism toward wrongs. That is one who get credits pointing what "storng man" stumble. Is the Thoreau`s rebel (http://five4all.com/cult).

Nice quote, Steli.

On the other hand, can I remember to you, you said you`ll post 33 posts in next 33 days, some time a go ? :-))

Steli Efti

Yo Valentin,

this quote is all about the man IN the arena. There are many important pioneers OUTSIDE of the arena too ( like the critics of wrongs as you described it). But criticizing wrongs is NOT the same as being in the arena and changing wrongs ;)

And yes you can remind me of what I've said. 33 posts in the next 22 days. Let's see if I will make it. There are still some days left...


I think this is a Teddy Roosevelt quote, no?


Steli Efti

hey tim,

hmmm...yeah seems like it. Thanks for pointing us to this source.



Yep, definitely a Teddy Roosevelt quote!

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