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December 21, 2009


Derrick Kwa

I think it's a great idea. =). Would be really useful. Off the top of my head, I think Kabren Levinson (http://www.kabrenlevinson.com), and Dave from Teaching for the Future (http://teachingforthefuture.com) would be great to have at the event.

It'd also be really interesting to hear from the likes of Seth Godin about where he thinks education should be headed.

Greg Dhuyvetter

I'm there! Would be a dream of mine to speak at something like this!
I've been looking at the possibility of bringing a tech conference to my school...why not shoot for the stars?


No event without at least on Greek:)

Steli Efti

@Derrick - Kabren, Dave and Seth would be awesome!

I think also people like Negroponte, Howard Rheingold , Ken Robinson and Jay Cross would be great!

@Greg - absolutely right! :) Ps. love ur blog...keep up the great work...

@Lefti - Well I think we can be sure of that ;)

Ari Bader-Natal

Nice idea! Check out TEDxNYED: http://tedxnyed.com
It sounds very similar to what you're describing, and has an excellent list of speakers already involved. Looks good!


I think its a great idea as well... Actually have the same vision for event here in Alaska Spring '10 + linked with efforts of personal network to innovatively improve access to opportunity and education for youth in Alaskan Communities.

Ashni Mohnot from Enzi Futures and Kushalc Chakrabarti from Vittana are two on my list.

Hope is to provide platform for young visionary education thought leaders, sort of like TEDx/ The Feast in NY... we are real grassroots still and will be building from whatever we put together this spring.

Nice to see others thinking along same lines though.


Benjamin Stewart

Go for it! I'd like to hear from Curtis Bonk, George Siemens, Dave Cormier, and Wayne Mackintosh.

Steli Efti

@Ari - thx for the tip - I didn't know about TEDxNYED! It sure looks great :)

@JTHESSERT - sounds awesome! let me know if we can help in any way...


Looking forward to it :)

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