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February 11, 2010


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Thanks for this information that you have shared. I have been so interested with this.


I found a networking site, it gathers young business people around the world from different industries.
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I was very impressed with the interview of the principal of Sparkseed School, Mike Del Ponte, and his vision to develop a means to accelerate social entrepreneurs. He is correct that college students are a great human resource to target and that they have founded many impressive start-up companies over the years.

Personally, I started my own company as a long-term funding source for the construction of global church-orphanages. Linking businesses and societal concerns is a great way to build businesses with an inherent social responsibility component.

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Stop-action animation is indeed overlooked by not only the Academy, but the public, as well. Too many times has animation in general been snubbed and been dismissed as child's play, impervious to profundity and sophistication.

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Anyone who wants to start his or her own business are very practical. With recession happening today, I see and hear on news that people are quitting their jobs and taking risks on starting their company. It's good actually. I used to work in a big company. I wasn't really experiencing the effect of recession in a big scale. But at my early 30's, I think I have saved up some useful amount of money in the bank already. I'm now arranging to put up my own restaurant in our town in Sioux Falls. I have applied for merchant loans and just waiting for my dad to help me with the whole thing.

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