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October 05, 2010


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As long as it is real, you can be sure the value won't fade.

drivers ed

you made it very clear and hard hitting facts. A lot of changes needs to be done to the present market..!

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Hey hi...i just go through your post.it's really awesome. i think here is the place where people can share their knowledge easily. I appreciate your work. Thank you for sharing such a nice Information.

Andrew Statezny

Changes to not only the present market but also the mindset. Convincing an existing advocate of traditional education that things need to be upgraded is like trying to convice your Grandparents that there are reliable cars other than Honda and Toyota.

CA Coaching in Delhi

Education needed the more transparency. As Govt. should provides more education to the rural area. Which they need it more.


thats so true that "Education needed the more transparency. "


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