We've seen great growth in the first month since we opened up our platform to the public. Today after only a couple of weeks over 60 next generation schools have been created on the Supercool School platform.
What we learned talking to our first end consumer customers is that many of them want to turn their online schools to education businesses and monetize parts of their content/classes as soon as possible. This means that we are going to focus on integrating a payment system on every school to enable school owners to easily monetize their schools and participate in the growth with them.
For that reason we decided to radically reduce the monthly fee for a hosted school to $15/mth starting today to empower as many people as possible to start their next generation school NOW and help us accelerate the momentum and the growth of the platform in the coming weeks before we launch the payment functionality.
Everyone who has created a Supercool School will benefit from the reduced price as well :) We are very grateful for all the great support and feedback we're receiving from our early customers and users - you guys are the most passionate educators out there & we're proud that you are part of the Supercool Family!!!
We have TONS of cool features and announcements coming so please stay tuned! :)
Start your own online school here
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